Neovim plugin

For convenience, alongside the cli program, I’ve provided a tiny Neovim plugin that works with subclasses of ZettelMD.

To install it, copy the files in the folder extra/vim to your Neovim config folder, execute :UpdateRemotePlugins in Neovim, and replace the path in ftdetect/zk.vim and in xettel.vim by the path to your Zettelkasten folder.

In xettel.vim are defined some keybindings. In particular, entering <CR> on top of a link opens it, <BS> opens a backlink, <Leader><CR> creates a new Zettel and inserts the link in the current file and <Leader># insert the link of a Zettel matching a query.


The plugin exports the following commands:


Open the link under the cursor


Chose a backlink and open it.


Interactively create a new Zettel.